
The Real-Life Diet of Lil Dicky, Who Is Careful to Avoid Salt Bloat on Set


So for the past year, I’ve just been trying to loosen up my body and stretch and do these really light exercises that are designed to, you know, improve core strength. But by no means am I like, you know, the Sexiest Man of the Year trying to create a body for the cover. I’m actually just trying to go through a day without feeling dull back pain.

Hey, don’t rule that out. The Sexiest Man of the Year title could be coming. You have no idea.

I’m not ruling that out at all. I feel optimistic. I feel like it’s now or never for me, and I’m going to dedicate the next three years to getting the type of body that would earn that cover. But I think, you know, the first thing I gotta do is just rebuild my lower back strength.

So after you’ve lived on oatmeal for hours, what are you doing for lunch?

If I’m shooting, one beautiful thing about it that I just love is that they’ll be like oh, today is this day, and they have these two different food options. If I don’t like the options, you know what, someone will go out to a local restaurant nearby, and they’ll pick me up whatever. Honestly, one thing I try to do when I’m shooting, believe it or not, is try to eat foods that avoid sodium due to facial bloating. But pretty much everything I like is jam packed with sodium. So sometimes, sometimes I’m just like, fuck it. Like, let the face bloat.

Do you really see a noticeable difference in facial bloating from eating salty foods?

It’s a piece of advice I got, but maybe my face actually doesn’t have a ton of bloating variability and someone just said this to me. You know, I haven’t ever acted really prior to my own show, so I don’t know the tricks of the trade, and I guess maybe I’m easily influenced.

I just know that nobody eats more chicken fingers than me. Nobody eats more ketchup than me. So I try, but I don’t know. Maybe this is not even this. Does Caesar salad have a lot of sodium in it? I don’t know if it does, but people are nodding—like people are listening to me and nodding and saying yes, it does. So I don’t think I’m doing a good job at all. Maybe my face that you see is always one that’s a little bloated, and that’s OK.

So what are you doing for dinner?

For dinner, it all depends if it’s like the hardest day, which can happen all the time. I really will just be like fuck it, and I’ll get so much fast food or something on the way home and just have a quote-unquote cheat day.

What’s your fast food of choice?

I love Taco Bell. I love the cheesy gordita crunch with chicken and no lettuce. I’ll get two of those and a chicken quesadilla.


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